GIVING SOCIETIES| Young President’s Club
Young President’s Club
Leave a legacy. You can impact the lives of students at CSU Pueblo with a gift of just $10 per month—less than 2 coffees, 1 beer, or 1 late-night Amazon purchase!
The Young President’s Club is open to alumni who have graduated in the past 10 years and community supporters under the age of 40. Those making a $10 a month commitment for three years, or $500 annually, are part of the club and can enjoy Young President’s Club benefits.
Young President’s Club Highlights
$10 per Month for 3 Years
One-Pack Football ticket
One admission to exclusive YPC event (complimentary)
One drink ticket at YPC event
$500 per year
Two-Pack Football tickets
Invitation to attend exclusive YPC event
Two drink tickets at YPC event
Admission to President’s Club Soiree
*If preferred, donors may decline public recognition.
Join the Young President’s Club
Contact the Foundation for more information.
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